Project Consortium

The consortium offering this project consists of four partners and two subcontractors, with a well-balanced mix of civil protection authority of their country, not-for-profit organisations and a consultancy established as SME.
The consortium was established under the lead of the Ministry of Interior, Romania, Department of Civil Protection. As a responsible Civil Protection authority, DSU has a long standing and long-lasting successful history in managing national and international exercises since several years.
The consortium is composed of key experts and independent consultants with extensive experience in national and international missions, project management, relief coordination as well as in the organisation of international exercises for civil protection or related areas. All consortium members are working together in EUCP activities since many years.
For the implementation of this project, DSU will be responsible for the overall project management, coordination and administration, reporting and all communication with the Commission. The Department of Civil Protection will be supported in managing the project by PCC, a consultancy, giving technical and organisational advice and support. This, in combination with the other partners will bring a lot of knowledge from other projects, exercises, missions and the different approach of EUCPM, Red Cross, GO and NGO and Civil Military Interaction.

This project is funded by European Union DG ECHO, Civil Protection (ECHO/B/03 101017). INDIMA-project strives to provide correct and current content and information.  However, we cannot guarantee the completeness or quality of the information made available. The views expressed here should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any of its content.

The following overview describes each partner and its role in the project.

Department for Emergency Situations, Romania (DSU)

In 2014 an update of the legal framework (Government Emergency Ordinance 1/2014) led to the creation of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. DSU is in charge of national coordination of emergency prevention and management actions, the provision and coordination of human, material, financial and other resources needed to restore normality, including specialist first aid and emergency medical care in Emergency Care Units and Centres.
DSU coordinates the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the General Inspectorate of Aviation (with respect to medical missions), and performs the operational coordination of territorial ambulance services in counties and in Bucharest, Emergency Rooms form the Emergency Hospitals, and of public mountain rescue services. DSU has a long-standing experience in the conduct of ECHO projects and was hosting a large medical exercise late 2018, under the framework of EU-MODEX. DSU was a consortium member of the 2018 tender Lot 2 (Plug in Exercises) and Lot 3 (HNS TTX) of DG ECHO.


Publicomm, Austria (PCC)

PCC is a registered private expert consultancy, specialising in providing advice, concepts, project management and training in the field of disaster relief, crisis and emergency management. The SME (Austrian private limited company) offers in-depth thematic expertise in the identification and visualisation of complex processes according to projects, trainings and mission’s handbooks and field guides, for mission support and NGO management.
PCC maintains a specialist team of experts, working within the EUCPM as well as in the Red Cross/Red Crescent, the NGO world, the UN system, and the Humanitarian Aid sector. Some of the experts work in professional business contingency, others are UN CIMCoord trained. Our members have a longstanding experience in training of intervention teams, setup and conduct of trainings and all types of exercise, from small table-top until to multinational field exercises with some hundred participants in multicultural or complex environment. PCC was a consortium member of the 2018 tender Lot 2 (Plug in Exercises) and Lot 3 (HNS TTX) of DG ECHO and the PCC project manager was project manager of IRONORE2019.
PCC will support the Civil Protection professionals by contributing the project development and background structure, media coverage and support the workshops and SIMEX.


Hungarian Red Cross (HRC)

Defined by law HRC has main responsibilities to alleviate human suffering during disasters. By law HRC maintains disaster response units, organises relief aid and provides legal assistance for victims of natural disasters. HRC is one of the main contributing national partners in Civil Protection in Hungary. The medical capacity covers an INSARAG certified MUSAR and an EMT-1. HRC is also involved in the organisation of various disaster exercises.
HRC will participate with their research experts, doing the evaluation of the results of the online survey and the online workshops. Furthermore, HRC will support the SIMEX by contributing their experienced staff.


iHELP Institute (iHELP)

A Polish NPO, established by fire service officers with years of experience in rescue operations and humanitarian crises, mentoring of emergency rescue teams, contingency planning at national/regional level, implementation of projects for improving rescue potential, public resilience, improving coordination for operations, designing, conducting and evaluation of international exercises.
iHELP experts are nominated to organise and support the exercise control team. These experts with years of experience related to exercises organisation will be involved in the preparation and execution of the SIMEX. Selected personnel have participated and coordinated several EU funded projects (EUCPM financial instrument, 7th FP and others). iHELP members have an extensive experience in supporting trainings and exercises, some of the iHELP staff are also qualified as INSARAG certifiers.


Project funding:

INDIMA-project is funded by European Union, DG ECHO (Civil Protection and Humanitarian aid Operations department).

Call: Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network : Network Partnership
Topic: UCPM-2020-KN-AG | Type of action: UCPM-INT-AG | Proposal number: 101017935

The European Union and its Member States are the world’s leading donor of humanitarian aid. Relief assistance is an expression of European solidarity with people in need all around the world. It aims to save lives, prevent and alleviate human suffering, and safeguard the integrity and human dignity of populations affected by natural disasters and man-made crises.
Through its Civil Protection and Humanitarian aid Operations department (ECHO), the European Union helps millions of victims of conflict and disasters every year. With headquarters in Brussels and a global network of field offices, the EU provides assistance to the most vulnerable people on the basis of humanitarian needs.


Subcontractor for VR Simulation: SMURD foundation (SMURD-F)

The Foundation for SMURD is a non-governmental organization, private legal entity, non-profit, non-political, and independent of any other institution or person, either of Romanian or foreign nature, which was established in 2006. Its aim is to support the activity performed by SMURD (Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication) through specific means of non-governmental field, namely implementation of specific projects and programs.
SMURD-F promotes transparency and professionalism, supports the establishment of a strong integrated system for medical assistance, techniques of emergency and first aid through durable partnerships between competent institutions, such as Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and General Inspectorate of Air Force, respectively, Ministry of Public Health, local public administrations. SMURD-F has extensive experience in VR simulations e.g. supporting NATO medical exercises.


Project Management Structure

Our consortium has established a highly qualified project planning and supervising structure, that will help the Project Management with the execution of the project.