
SIMEX and evaluation

Simulation exercise of project INDIMA.

Project INDIMA, funded by Europen Union, Civil Protection, will develop and enhance a network concept for better and holistic civil protection and disaster risk management by integrating all relevant stakeholders in pre-planned joint preparedness and response activities, establishing a tangible network. The objective is to develop a concept to optimise the cooperation and improve the coordination among a wide range of governmental and non-governmental, civil and military as well as public and private stakeholders.

This concept will be tested in a SIMEX (Simulation exercise) with some 40 participants from several European states, the situation will be visualised in a virtual reality supported simulation, it shows a large disaster with cascading effects.

The objective of this two-days exercise is to test the implementation of the concept, gain knowledge for the practise and finally explore and strengthen synergies between civil protection, humanitarian aid organisations and private entities.

The evaluation of the SIMEX consists of monitoring the exercise with three experienced evaluators, the conduct of a hot wash-up with the participants after every phase, individual feedback and an evaluation report.
