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Cooperation with DiMaND project extended

INDIMA project, represented by their Project Manager, was participating at the “3rd International Conference on Effective Response” in Békéscsaba, Hungary, conducted by DiMaND (Disaster Management Network in the Danube Region), another EU funded KN project. The EU Knowledge Network supports a new form of cooperation between projects, INDIMA project is pleased to take this opportunity.
With support from the EU, the DiMaND network is aimed to gather examples in preparedness and response activities, also in humanitarian coordination and Host Nation Support, focusing on cross-border and regional level assistance. By identifying good practices and gaps in the existing systems the network of professionals will create recommendations for improvements. A knowledge portal will be developed with interactive features that can serve as a knowledge-sharing platform.

DiMaND signed an LoI with INDIMA: Zsolt Kelemen from Budapest Firefighter Association, as lead partner of DiMaND and INDIMA project (Josef Riener as deputy of Dr Bogdan Pop) formalised their project cooperation.

The review of this conference is very positive, extended cooperation was established, information sharing updated.
#EUCPM #projectcooperation #KnowledgeNetwork #eucivpro #network #disastermanagement #disasterpreparedness 

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