Objective is to develop a concept to optimise the cooperation and improve the coordination among a wide range of governmental and non-governmental, civil and military as well as public and private stakeholders.
This concept will be tested in a SIMEX (Simulation exercise) with some 40 participants from several European states, the situation will be visualised in a virtual reality supported simulation.
The objective of this two-days exercise is to test the implementation of the concept, gain knowledge for the practise and finally explore and strengthen synergies between civil protection, humanitarian aid organisations and private entities
Going online - a new approach for CP projects

- Online assessment and survey
- Online workshops:
- Legal issues
- Communications
- Interoperability
- VR based simulations at the SIMEX
Roles and Responsibilities in the Project
Consortium Partners
SME: Planning and activities, communication, and visibility, Virtual Reality simulation exercise
Consortium Partner (BEN)
Linked Third Parties

LTP are supporting with their expertise, contributing experts.
For the conduct of the SIMEX the LTP nominate participants and support with qualified role-players.
Pool of Experts
In the implementation of the project INDIMA, experts will have a particularly important role.
- On one hand we will establish an advisory group (AG) to evaluate the projects progress and results and participate at the online conferences,
- On the other hand, the experts will be invited to contribute in their relevant field of expertise to crosscheck the activities and get advise for a successful project development,
- INDIMA experts will get the experts’ kit, the project newsletter and access to all project related data, publications and project results and outcomes,
- Great exchange and network opportunity for Civil Protection experts
- No physical attendance is needed, the project will be mainly conducted online.

The objective is to promote networks of relevant civil protection and other disaster management actors and to promote the exchange of information, training, research, and innovation. The main task is to optimise the cooperation and improve the coordination among a wide range of governmental and non-governmental, civil and military as well as public and private stakeholders. The project team covers with the members of the consortium and the pool of indidvidal experts a broad expertise in disaster risk management and Civil Protection, many with personal track record in similar missions as proposed.

The project development of INDIMA covers needs assessment, key stakeholder mapping, online survey and three online workshops on communication, legal aspects, and interoperability. The outcomes of this process lead to a concept for an integrated approach with tools like handbook and checklists (printed and as MS office templates).
This concept will be tested in a SIMEX (Simulation exercise) with some 40 participants from several European states, the situation will be visualised in a virtual reality supported simulation. It shows a large disaster (freezing rain) with cascading effects, involving several EU and Non-EU states.
The objective of this two-days exercise is to ensure knowledge transfer from theory into practise, what means implementation of the concept, gain knowledge for the practise and finally explore and strengthen synergies between civil protection, humanitarian aid organisations and private entities.
In a final workshop the results will be discussed, in order to publish the concept and the final checklist and out of the lessons identified from the former conducted workshops and simulation-exercise.